Demonstrating Organizational Capacity

Funders like to “back a winner”, investing in organizations capable of delivering meaningful, sustainable results, managing resources responsibly, adapting to challenges, and contributing to positive social change. To demonstrate your capacity:

  • Clearly state your mission, vision, and values, and establish a direct link between your proposed activities and how they align with your mission and goals.

  • Describe your organization's governance, leadership, and Board of Directors structure. Highlight the skills, qualifications, and experience of your staff and board, as well as their relevant training and professional development. Discuss current staff and board diversity representation and strategies to ensure continual representation.

  • Ensure transparency regarding your financial status by providing audited or externally reviewed financial statements, operational and program-level budgets, and revenue sources. Explain internal financial accountability practices, such as monthly financial statement reviews by the Board, and methods used for accurate revenue and expense tracking and reporting. Describe your financial sustainability strategies, such as annual prospect research or giving campaigns.

  • Describe your strategic planning process for establishing goals and priorities. Explain how you evaluate and assess your organization's performance, including seeking feedback from participants and partners/collaborators. Detail how you utilize this feedback to make adjustments for continuous improvement.

  • Explain your program management approach, including how programs are designed, implemented, monitored, and evaluated. Specify how individuals with lived experience contribute to program design and evaluation.

  • Highlight your track record of program or project success, outcomes achieved, community impact, and lessons learned. Use a blend of qualitative and quantitative data to demonstrate how your work creates meaningful change and benefits for individuals and the community. Proudly share any awards or special recognition you’ve received!

  • Include key partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, groups, and stakeholders and their roles in strengthening your programs and enhancing your impact.

  • Outline your risk management strategies to identify and mitigate potential risks to your operations, finances, reputation, and program delivery.

Providing relevant information on the resources, expertise, and essential internal systems in place to ensure you achieve your mission and goals inspires funder confidence in your capabilities to effectively manage their investment in your proposed projects or programs.


Demonstrating Sustainability